Business Quotes for Motivation
June 1, 2018
Business Licensing
5 Business Quotes to Keep You Motivated
Having a rough day at work? Here are 5 famous quotes (and a little bit of advice) to help you keep moving.
1. “The way to get started is to quit talking and begin doing.” – Walt Disney
There always comes a point with any idea when it’s time to put your thoughts into action. Many entrepreneurs, or even seasoned professionals, find it difficult to move past the talking stage. If you’re struggling with this, create a prioritized list of things you need to accomplish to implement your idea then start at the top. Make a schedule for yourself so that you’re checking off one a day, a week, or a month (depending on the size of your goal) and keep moving. Make today the day you start.
2. “If you really want to do something, you’ll find a way. If you don’t, you’ll find an excuse.” – Jim Rohn
For some, implementing an idea never takes place because of the endless list of excuses. While some may be legitimate, many turn out to be empty justifications for fears, worries, or insecurities. If you have a list of reasons that are holding you back, examine them closely to see which are really issues that need to be addressed, and which are just excuses.
3. “A successful man is one who can lay a firm foundation with the bricks others have thrown at him.” – David Brinkley
There will always be those who tell you that you can’t or shouldn’t. Those that tell you you’re not smart enough, rich enough, good enough, prepared enough, or capable enough to do what you’ve got planned. Instead of letting these comments bury you, use them as a foundation to build your success.
4. “If you really look closely, most overnight success took a long time.” – Steve Jobs
Behind every “sudden” success story there lies months and often years of attempts, failures, redirections, and sacrifices. Don’t let yourself get discouraged if your business goals seem to be taking longer to achieve than someone else’s. One day, all your experiences will lead to your own success story that will motivate others on the same path.
5. “I failed my way to success.” – Thomas Edison
Almost every achievement in life is preceded by a long list of failures. Edison’s words remind us that every failure teaches us something new and assists us on the road to achievement. Rather than allowing your failures to discourage your progress, see them as opportunities to learn and as steps to your eventual success.
Use these quotes to help you find the inspiration and motivation you need to make today great!
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